As with any medieval town the benefits of living close to an Abbey or Palace, brought elements of safety, civilisation costs. Dunfermline had entry gates or ports here at Wynd Port, which is the north entrance. The Ordnance Survey Map of 1832 also shows us where East Port, West Port and South Port were.

As a Royal Burgh it would perhaps be more lucrative to settle here, as you can look south of here past the high street we are on a hill affording safety and today stunning views.
“Reminiscences of Dunfermline” by Alexander Stewart was published in 1886 and contains stories, characters and the history of the town as recalled by Alexander, an inhabitant of the town his entire life. He includes the census details of Dunfermline:

Population figures of Dunfermline from Reminiscences book;
1791 Census Town and Suburbs including Pittencrieff 5192 souls, 1200 weaving looms in the town
1801 Census (first government census) Town and Suburbs 54841811 Census population Parish 11,649, Town 6492, inhabited homes 8741821 Census Population. Parish 13,690. Town 80411831
Census population Town and Parish 17,068. Town and suburbs 10,6261833