Plans for the Public Park park were originally consulted on by Sir Joseph Paxton designer of the Crystal Palace in London. However, following his death in 1865 his assistant G H Stokes took on the design. The dual carriageway added in the 1980s has split the park however many of the original features remain.

The bandstand was a gift from Louise Carnegie who made her first visit to her husband’s (Andrew) place of birth in 1887, shortly after they married. It’s main design features can be seen in the ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF MACFARLANE’S CASTINGS (6th Edition; 1882-83, 2 Vols, p674) – Link below.
The park and bandstand have witnessed all sorts of activity. A march of 3,000 Orangemen in 1961 to remember the 272nd anniversary of the Relief of Derry. Equally memorable was in 1938 when 15,000 spectators witnessed a practical Air Raid Patrol demonstration in the Park. Eventual precautions during the Second World War included shelter trenches for civilians. It continues to be used for festivals and events to bring communities in the town together.
What memories have you of the events here? Visit the bandstand and reminisce, the playlist has a bit of pipe band music to help the memories flow.