As with other old towns, Dunfermline’s history has incidents of fires. The most referred to was the very destructive 1624 fire which resulted in over 70% of buildings being destroyed. A more recent fire was in 1961 which burnt down St Margaret’s Hall. An extension to the library replaced it.

The Hall had a capacity of 1400 with a smaller hall for 600, billiard and committee rooms and a library. It was used for classical concerts, dances, boxing, and amateur dramatics company Dunfermline Dramatic Club gave their first performance there in April 1885.

The fire happened after a boxing match with ownership of the Hall due to change hands at midnight.

A compilation of 1950s dance hall music can be found on the playlist to imagine the sounds emanating from the building before it was lost.
The Dunfermline Dramatic Club continues today under the name Dunfermline Dramatic Society and performances can be seen in Carnegie Hall and throughout Fife.
Dunfermline Dramatic Society